Biological and Life Sciences Study in the United States

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Biological and life sciences study in the United States is conducted in research institutions, laboratories, and institutions of higher learning. These areas are supported by both federal and private sources. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of Agriculture, and Department of Defense are among the largest employers of life scientists. A smaller fraction of life scientists is employed by private business. In addition to these institutions, life scientists are employed by nonprofit organizations, the pharmaceutical industry, and the federal government. These organizations provide a significant fraction of life sciences research funding.

The most common area of research for life scientists is molecular biology and biochemistry. These two disciplines command one fourth of reported support. Research is mainly conducted in academic institutions, but the federal government, the pharmaceutical industry, and local/state governments also provide funding. Typical grants are of up to $25,000 per year.

Other major areas of research include physiology, ecology, genetics, morphology, and systematic biology. These areas are supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the National Science Foundation. These organizations also provide support for other aspects of life sciences research. In addition to the support provided by these organizations, private business also provides funds. These funds are used for laboratory testing of living organisms. Many scientists employ tissue culture to study intact organs and tissues. The number of scientists engaged in tissue culture is double that of those engaged in disassociated preparations. This research is often conducted during the summer at properly equipped institutions.

Many of the scientists engaged in these areas are involved in comparative studies across plant divisions and phyla. Materials of natural origin are also utilized by scientists in these areas. The materials used in these studies are typically broken cell preparations or intact organs and tissues. However, some scientists in these areas use materials of artificial origin.

These studies are conducted in laboratories, research institutes, and hospitals. In addition to using state resources, life sciences study is conducted in experimental tracts, by surveillance from ships at sea, and by amateur nature lovers. A large number of scientists plan to move to another area of research in the future. Some plan to enter behavioral biology and ecology. Other scientists plan to move to pharmacology and genetics.

Life scientists are primarily concerned with studying the structure and behavior of biological systems. The majority of the scientists engaged in this research have completed their initial training in a basic medical science. However, a large number of life scientists have completed training in other physical sciences, psychology, and social sciences. The study found that 28 percent of female researchers were involved in molecular biology or biochemistry. These researchers are more likely to engage in research that is sufficiently large to warrant the use of state resources.

A significant percentage of the researchers in these areas are under 34 years of age. These researchers provide a glimpse into the changing dynamics of the life sciences.